Incident Reports

Incident Reports

Record every incident with ease and produce incident reports ready to send to the government agency at the click of a button.

Whenever you are serving a large number of people you will have incidents that need to be dealt with swiftly and appropriately. There are regulations that specify what information needs to be recorded and how this is to be reported. Kassidee has been developed to capture all the required information plus the review steps and produce the report that is currently required by DHS.

Incident Reports can contain some very sensitive information. Kassidee has a comprehensive permissions structure which can be taylored down to the individual staff member to ensure only those you want to see the incident can see it.

General Details

Capture information such as the incident type, where it happened, when it happened, what funded program is effected and if anything was damaged.

Staff / Clients Involved

Capture details for each person involved in the incident, this can also include people who are neither clients or staff but were there when the incident occurred. You can record a number of details for each person including contact details, participant or witness, perpetrator or victim, any injury details and more.

Incident Description

Capture the all aspects of the incident in detail.

Additional Details

This is an area where notes can be taken on how to prevent this incident from occurring again in the future.

Abuse in Care

Capture any details related to abuse in care.

Police detials

Capture all relevant police contact details etc.

Management review and follow up

The incident section has an entire section dedicated to capturing the management follow up required for each incident. An incident is typically captured in the system by someone involved or witnessing the incident. It is then reviewed by management and if necessary reported to the appropriate government department.


Due to the sensitive nature of incidents both the staff entering the incident and management have the power to restrict access to the incident down to specific users. You can also set the status of an incident to confidential which further restricts it to only those users that are allowed to see confidential incident reports.

Interfaces with Governing Bodies

The IRM reporting tool allows you to output your data into a Word doucment. This feature is currently used to generate the DHS incident report in the correct format directly from data stored in Kassidee. A similar process is currently being develop to load the quarterly ADHC reporting directly into their system. This will allow Kassidee to generate XML data and interface with any system that excepts an XML input.

Scheduled Reporting

Schedule your reports to run automatically.

Scheduled Reporting

Do you have daily, weekly or monthly reports that need to be run. IRM allows you to set up reports that are run on a regular basis and their results can either be emailed, saved to a disk, printed or sent to a website. This is great for doing exception reporting or generating your weekly management reports that are then delivered to the manager in their inbox with no human intervention required.

Manage Client Based Budgets

These days there is an ever increasing need to manage each clients budget individually and for the client to be able to track how they are going. With NDIS jut around the corner this is going to become even more important. Kassidee has been doing this for years and easily links the clients budget to the programs they are in and the costs they are incurring on a daily basis using your services.

Manage Budgets for all resources

Manage each clients budget individually.